Hoppy Endings for Penny (formerly Lightning Bug)

Lightning Bug (aka Penny)

Dear Leslie, I just wanted to update you on how we are doing. I renamed Lightning Bug, her name is now Penny because I thought the name really suit her and I have always liked it. Penny is such a joy to have around and my mom, brother, and I love her so much. She has been welcoming me home after work and school and she runs around in my room until she wears herself out. At first she was very nervous and scared but it didn’t take her long to warm up to her new home. Whenever she is out of her pen she loves to thump and binky around or lay down being my mirror, she is so adorable. You probably already know, but whenever I take a treat bag out she loves to jump and sniff all over me until she gets a treat, it always makes me laugh.

I am eternally grateful to the rescue and especially you for letting me have her, she is just what I was missing and I am so happy to have her. I attached some pictures to this email for you to take a look at as well. I hope you enjoy and you will be hearing from us again soon.

Thank you so much again.

~ Love, Sarah and Penny