With the recent confirmation of the dreaded Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 (RHDV2) in Lake County, we are imploring you to help in reaching out to the State of Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FLDACS) to request they approve the import and use of vaccines to prevent the spread of the disease to rabbits in our care.


  • Please Click on this link to access a sample letter (Vaccine Letter-Individual) that you can email to the FLDACS.  Email addresses and telephone numbers are at the top of the sample letter.
  • Please tailor the letters for your own use.  There are additional topics that you might want to include in your letter bulleted at the bottom of each sample.
  • The number of letters sent can make a difference!
  • Please share this message to friends and family and ask if they will help.
  • Please keep all communications positive in tone, asking FLDACS to keep our animals safe.

Additionally, if you would like to inform your political leaders of the situation and seek their assistance in influencing FLDACS, please do so.

Sample Letter to Use:

→ For Individuals

More Information for Pet Parents:
→ Letter to Pet Parents